What are Orthodontics
Orthodontics are a specialty of dentistry that include the treatment of tooth and jaw deformities.
The goal is a functional and aesthetically ideal relationship of the jaws and teeth.
To reccommend an individual therapy, a comprehensive diagnosis must be made first. This is done with the help of photographs, radiographs and study models that are thoroughly analysed.
Orthodontics for children and teens
As long as there is still growth, like in children and adolescents up to a certain developmental age, both the position of the jaws and teeth are influenced by orthodontic appliances.
The primary goal is that the maxilla and mandible, the upper and lower jaws, fit and bite properly and that facial features are harmonious.
It is advisable to examine your children’s orthodontic treatment needs as early as possible, ideally aged 7 to 8 years. Many orthodontic problems are easier to correct in children and should be initiated before jaw growth has slowed or completed.
The start of treatment in children is usually at age 11 to 12 years, at the beginning of the prepubertal growth spurt. For certain treatments, an earlier date should be chosen as there my be misalignments to correct before all permanent teeth have erupted.
Your general dentist, school dentist or our orthodontic specialist practice can further advise you.
During orthodontic treatment small oral surgical procedures may be necessary, such as extractions of deciduous or permanent teeth. More difficult procedures will be discussed and referred to specialists, such as oral or maxollofacial surgeons.
At the end of orthodontic treatment a retention will be needed to stabilize the result. The teeth, the soft tissues and the jaws must first adapt to their new positions. To remain stable, retention appliances (such as fixed bonded retainers, removable retention appliances, etc.) will be fitted. However, even with proper retention, teeth can shift so that a retreatment may become necessary.
Orthodontics for adults
Tooth movements are possible at any age. In adults, there are complicating factors, such as lack of growth, gum disease and bone loss around the teeth or existing crowns and bridges as well as missing and damaged teeth. In such cases, treatment can be indicated, but with adaptations of the type of treatment and its result.
If in adults a misalignment of the jaw bone (and not just the teeth) is present, it may be necessary to plan a surgical jaw alignment. These operations are performed by specialists, such as oral and maxillo-facial surgeons. Before and after surgery, orthodontic treatment is needed to adjust the teeth to the new jaw positions.
naef ortho - Praxis für Kieferorthopädie
Dr. med. dent. Fiona Naef Fritschi
Fachzahnärztin für Kieferorthopädie
Gartenweg 12
4310 Rheinfelden
+41 (0) 61 831 11 68
Hours of Operation
10h - 13.30h / 14h - 18.30h |
08h - 12h / 13h - 17h |
08h - 12h / 13.30h - 17.30h
08h - 12h / 12.30h - 16.30h |
for emergencies only
Taxpunktwert alter Tarif: CHF 3.45
Dentotar ab 01.01.2018: CHF 1.00